Ava is 15 months old now!!!
Oh boy and she is as busy as her brother. She does anything she sets her mind to. She talks like crazy, she thinks she has to use the potty everytime she is fixing to get into the bathtub (she takes her diaper off, lifts the lid, I help her on and she turns for the toilet paper, wipes, and flushes), she can now climb all of the beds in the house, can get into all chairs, can open the bathroom door now ( which is just wonderful since she is not allowed in the bathroom) and can throw a temper like a three yr old!!
She is perfect though! I love her and although she is a hand full she has so much personalitly and is lots of fun!This Halloween she was TinkerBell. CUTE! She is beautiful!Her favorite things to do is still pretty much the same with the added fun of playdoh. Her and Matthew get to play with playdoh everyday now and they have lots of fun cooking with it. She plays just like a big girl.
Went for her shots the other she weighs 24 lbs and is 32.25 inches long. She is in the 94th percentile in her height and 72 percentile in her weight.
Until next time...