Ava is growing SO fast it is almost hard to believe. It seems that she is too little to know the things that she does. She mocks everything Matthew does and climbs twice as bad!! She watches exactly how he does things so she can do them. He grabs a box to stand on she knows she can go to that same box and do the same thing and succeeds at it. If Matthew runs down the hall fussing about not getting his way, Ava is behind him doing the same thing. If Matthew is sitting in time out Ava goes and sits beside him. It is quiet funny to watch and AMAZING of the things she can and tries to do.
She eats whatever she wants and how dare me fix her something different when we are eating dinner. She ALWAYS wants to be invovled. She refuses food that does not look like "big girl" food.
She has a new word...She started saying it her 13th month, AND...of course it is "outside." She says it very well! One thing that has changed with her is that she LOVES shoes now and always wants to be wearing them.
She is a digger!! Oh my goddness is she ever. I am exhausted everyday from telling her "get down" and "get out." She most definetely keeps mommy on her toes.
She is signing so much these days. It is amazing how I think "oh well she just isn't interested or getting it" then one day she starts telling me what she wants by her hands. This is just awesome to watch. It shows how smart and how much children learn everyday by watching someones every move. She signs eat & drink, I love u, light, bath, book, hot, all done, hat, more, kiss, and toothbrush. She also is talking very good. She can say mama, dadda, knock-knock, no-no, & outside... oh and she will bark when she hears a dog. :)
Her favorite things to do right now are sing and dance, play chase, anything outside, ummm and EAT! The child could eat all day.
Oh and she still LOVES her momma. Such a momma's girl!!
Well, that is all for now until next time...
Ava's mommy