AVA IS A DARE DEVIL!!! Ava would climb all the way to the top of the slide by herself and jump to her booty to slide down which bounced her, flipping her all the way down the slide!! She came up laughing. Everyone is the room saw this 15 month old plunging down this huge slide and kept laughing and telling me how daring she is...THEY DONT HAVE TO TELL ME THAT!!
Yesterday, I had to hammer the ladder down from the backyard playhouse. She scared me so bad I immediately took the ladder down. I was sweeping the garage, peeked around the gate to see about them and Ava was sitting on the very top in the house ON THE EDGE facing outward toward the ground. She was half way on the top of the step and the inside of the house. I calmly told her to stay there (like she was going to listen & VERY surprised she did) dropped the broom, went inside the garage, started running and praying for her to stay put and to give me speed!! I got her down safely, grabbed a hammer and started pounding down the ladder! I dont know what to do with her. Her new thing is to climb my kitchen table. What is her obsession with CLIMBING!!! AHHHH!
Anyway, I am sure everyone gets the point of her being a handful! :) Gotta love her though.
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